R Development Page

spida log file (check_x86_64_linux)

Fri Feb 15 14:17:20 2013: Checking package spida (SVN revision 29) ...
* using log directory ‘/mnt/building/build_2013-02-15-08-50/RF_PKG_CHECK/PKGS/spida.Rcheck’
* using R version 2.15.2 Patched (2013-02-13 r61942)
* using platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* checking for file ‘spida/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘spida’ version ‘0.1-1’
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Georges Monette ’
New submission
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking whether package ‘spida’ can be installed ... [6s/18s] OK
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in R code ... WARNING
‘::’ or ‘:::’ import not declared from: ‘Matrix’
See the information on DESCRIPTION files in the chapter ‘Creating R
packages’ of the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
  function(x, ...)
  function(x, value)

  function(x, ...)
  function(x, value)

  function(fit, ...)
  function(x, obj)

  function(fit, ...)
  function(x, obj)

  function(x, ...)
  function(dd, fmla, total.margins, useNA, pct, pr, test)

  function(object, ...)
  function(fit, Llist, df, clevel)
  function(x, row.names, optional, ...)
  function(obj, se, digits, sep, which)

  function(x, ...)

  function(object, ...)
  function(obj, se)

  function(object, ...)
  function(fit, data, ...)

  function(object, ...)
  function(model, data, form, verbose)

  function(mod, ...)

  function(x, ...)

See section ‘Generic functions and methods’ of the ‘Writing R
Extensions’ manual.
* checking replacement functions ... WARNING
The argument of a replacement function which corresponds to the right
hand side must be named ‘value’.
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
smspline.v: warning in matrix(0, nr = p, nc = p - 2): partial argument
  match of 'nr' to 'nrow'
smspline.v: warning in matrix(0, nr = p, nc = p - 2): partial argument
  match of 'nc' to 'ncol'
smspline.v: warning in matrix(0, nr = p - 2, nc = p - 2): partial
  argument match of 'nr' to 'nrow'
smspline.v: warning in matrix(0, nr = p - 2, nc = p - 2): partial
  argument match of 'nc' to 'ncol' warning in write.table(df, file = datafile, row = FALSE, col
  = FALSE, sep = ";", na = "."): partial argument match of 'row' to
  'row.names' warning in write.table(df, file = datafile, row = FALSE, col
  = FALSE, sep = ";", na = "."): partial argument match of 'col' to
Vcor: no visible global function definition for ‘attribute<-’
Vcor.rdc: possible error in Vcov(fit, L): unused argument(s) (L)
basis: no visible binding for global variable ‘mat’
cell.default: no visible global function definition for ‘df.terms’
comp.bak: no visible binding for global variable ‘vname’
comp.old: no visible binding for global variable ‘vname’
glh.rdc: possible error in Vcov(fit, L): unused argument(s) (L)
glh.rdc: possible error in Vcor(fit, L): unused argument(s) (L)
gspf.1: no visible binding for global variable ‘ret’
old.cell: no visible global function definition for ‘has.intercept’
old.cell: no visible global function definition for ‘df.terms’
vplot: no visible binding for global variable ‘.vplot’
* checking Rd files ... WARNING
Error : BinarySetOps.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : ConjComp.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Contrasts.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : DiffI.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Drugs.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Indonesia.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Key.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lag.0.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lag.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : LagI.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lall.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Ldiff.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Ldiff.old.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Ldiff.rdc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lequal.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lform.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lmat.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lmu.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Lrm.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : OrthoComp.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Poly.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Proj.1.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Proj.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Proj.test.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Q.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Rbind.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Rbind.list.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Read.dta.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Read.spss.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Riesby.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Vcor.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Vcor.rdc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Vcov.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Vcov.rdc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Write.dta.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Write.spss.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : abind.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : acond.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : anova.lme.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : apct.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : approx.Z.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : aprop.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : arep.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : atotal.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : atotal.rdc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : av.frame.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : av.frame.lm.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : basis.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : brace.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : cap1.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : capply.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : cell.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : cell.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : cell.glh.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : center.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : center.ell.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : ch.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : change.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : coef.wald.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : coffee.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : com.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : comp.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : comp.bak.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : comp.old.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : cond.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : constant.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : constant.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : d.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : data.frame.lab.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : dell.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : describe.vector.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : diags.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : diags.lm.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : diags.lme.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : disp.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : eg.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : ell.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : enc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : fac.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : fill.Date.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : fill.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : fill.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : fill.factor.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : formatCoefmat.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : getFix.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : gicc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : ginv.1.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : ginv.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : glh.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : glh.rdc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : grepl.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : grepv.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : gsp.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : gsp.v01.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : gspf.1.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : hsfull.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : hw.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : iq.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : labs.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : labs.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : labs_-.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : labs_-.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : lib.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : long.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : map.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : mergec.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : migraines.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : mscm.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.comres.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.fitted.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.getResponse.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.include.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.pad.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.pad.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.pad.lme.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.resid.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na.residuals.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na20.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : na2f.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : old.cell.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : oplot.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : orthog.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : orthog.proj.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : otab.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : p.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : pal.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : pals.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : panel.subgroups.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : part.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : pchisq.mix.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : pr.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : pr.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : predict.mer.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : print.correl.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : print.glh.rdc.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : print.wald.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : reorder.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : sampler.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : sasin.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : select.first.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : smspline.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : smspline.v.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : spida-package.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : spline.E.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : spline.T.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : summ.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : summ.lmer.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : sun.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : tab.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : td.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : tfun.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : tr.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : tran.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : trim.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : trim.character.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : trim.default.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : trim.factor.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : up.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : val2na.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : varLevel.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vbox.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vell.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vif.lme.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vmat.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vobj.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vplot.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : vsquare.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : wald.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : xanova.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : xanova.lmer.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : xmerge.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

Error : xqplot.Rd: Sections \title, and \name must exist and be unique in Rd files

problems found in ‘BinarySetOps.Rd’, ‘ConjComp.Rd’, ‘Contrasts.Rd’, ‘DiffI.Rd’, ‘Drugs.Rd’, ‘Indonesia.Rd’, ‘Key.Rd’, ‘Lag.0.Rd’, ‘Lag.Rd’, ‘LagI.Rd’, ‘Lall.Rd’, ‘Lc.Rd’, ‘Ldiff.Rd’, ‘Ldiff.old.Rd’, ‘Ldiff.rdc.Rd’, ‘Lequal.Rd’, ‘Lform.Rd’, ‘Lmat.Rd’, ‘Lmu.Rd’, ‘Lrm.Rd’, ‘OrthoComp.Rd’, ‘Poly.Rd’, ‘Proj.1.Rd’, ‘Proj.Rd’, ‘Proj.test.Rd’, ‘Q.Rd’, ‘Rbind.Rd’, ‘’, ‘Rbind.list.Rd’, ‘Read.dta.Rd’, ‘Read.spss.Rd’, ‘Riesby.Rd’, ‘Vcor.Rd’, ‘Vcor.rdc.Rd’, ‘Vcov.Rd’, ‘Vcov.rdc.Rd’, ‘Write.dta.Rd’, ‘Write.spss.Rd’, ‘abind.Rd’, ‘acond.Rd’, ‘anova.lme.Rd’, ‘apct.Rd’, ‘approx.Z.Rd’, ‘aprop.Rd’, ‘arep.Rd’, ‘’, ‘atotal.Rd’, ‘atotal.rdc.Rd’, ‘av.frame.Rd’, ‘av.frame.lm.Rd’, ‘basis.Rd’, ‘brace.Rd’, ‘cap1.Rd’, ‘capply.Rd’, ‘cell.Rd’, ‘cell.default.Rd’, ‘cell.glh.Rd’, ‘center.Rd’, ‘center.ell.Rd’, ‘ch.Rd’, ‘change.Rd’, ‘coef.wald.Rd’, ‘coffee.Rd’, ‘com.Rd’, ‘comp.Rd’, ‘comp.bak.Rd’, ‘comp.old.Rd’, ‘cond.Rd’, ‘constant.Rd’, ‘’, ‘constant.default.Rd’, ‘d.Rd’, ‘data.frame.lab.Rd’, ‘dell.Rd’, ‘describe.vector.Rd’, ‘diags.Rd’, ‘diags.lm.Rd’, ‘diags.lme.Rd’, ‘disp.Rd’, ‘eg.Rd’, ‘ell.Rd’, ‘enc.Rd’, ‘fac.Rd’, ‘fill.Date.Rd’, ‘fill.Rd’, ‘’, ‘fill.default.Rd’, ‘fill.factor.Rd’, ‘formatCoefmat.Rd’, ‘getFix.Rd’, ‘gicc.Rd’, ‘ginv.1.Rd’, ‘ginv.Rd’, ‘glh.Rd’, ‘glh.rdc.Rd’, ‘grepl.Rd’, ‘grepv.Rd’, ‘gsp.Rd’, ‘gsp.v01.Rd’, ‘gspf.1.Rd’, ‘hsfull.Rd’, ‘hw.Rd’, ‘iq.Rd’, ‘labs.Rd’, ‘’, ‘labs.default.Rd’, ‘labs_-.Rd’, ‘’, ‘labs_-.default.Rd’, ‘lib.Rd’, ‘long.Rd’, ‘map.Rd’, ‘mergec.Rd’, ‘migraines.Rd’, ‘mscm.Rd’, ‘’, ‘na.comres.Rd’, ‘na.fitted.Rd’, ‘na.getResponse.Rd’, ‘na.include.Rd’, ‘na.pad.Rd’, ‘na.pad.default.Rd’, ‘na.pad.lme.Rd’, ‘na.resid.Rd’, ‘na.residuals.Rd’, ‘na20.Rd’, ‘na2f.Rd’, ‘old.cell.Rd’, ‘oplot.Rd’, ‘orthog.Rd’, ‘orthog.proj.Rd’, ‘otab.Rd’, ‘p.Rd’, ‘pal.Rd’, ‘pals.Rd’, ‘panel.subgroups.Rd’, ‘part.Rd’, ‘pchisq.mix.Rd’, ‘pr.Rd’, ‘pr.default.Rd’, ‘predict.mer.Rd’, ‘’, ‘print.correl.Rd’, ‘’, ‘print.glh.rdc.Rd’, ‘print.wald.Rd’, ‘reorder.default.Rd’, ‘sampler.Rd’, ‘sasin.Rd’, ‘select.first.Rd’, ‘smspline.Rd’, ‘smspline.v.Rd’, ‘spida-package.Rd’, ‘spline.E.Rd’, ‘spline.T.Rd’, ‘summ.Rd’, ‘summ.lmer.Rd’, ‘sun.Rd’, ‘tab.Rd’, ‘td.Rd’, ‘tfun.Rd’, ‘tr.Rd’, ‘tran.Rd’, ‘trim.Rd’, ‘trim.character.Rd’, ‘’, ‘trim.default.Rd’, ‘trim.factor.Rd’, ‘up.Rd’, ‘val2na.Rd’, ‘varLevel.Rd’, ‘vbox.Rd’, ‘vell.Rd’, ‘vif.lme.Rd’, ‘vmat.Rd’, ‘vobj.Rd’, ‘vplot.Rd’, ‘vsquare.Rd’, ‘wald.Rd’, ‘’, ‘xanova.Rd’, ‘xanova.lmer.Rd’, ‘xmerge.Rd’, ‘xqplot.Rd’
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK
* checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK
* checking examples ... NONE
* checking PDF version of manual ... ERROR
Rd conversion errors:
Error : /mnt/building/build_2013-02-15-08-50/RF_PKG_CHECK/PKGS/spida.Rcheck/00_pkg_src/spida/man/Lag.Rd:50: Bad \link text
Run time: 130.57 seconds.

Additional Logs:   00install.out
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