Forum: RQDA 0.1-9 is on CRAN now

Date: 2010-03-02 17:55
Summary: RQDA 0.1-9 is on CRAN now
Project: RQDA: CAQDA with R


RQDA is a R package for computer-aided qualitative data analysis (CAQDA). It is an easy-to-use tool to assist in the analysis of textual data.

RQDA 0.1-9 is a major upgrade with the following changes:
* widgets are enabled only if they are usable.
* Better code categories management system and various improvements of GUI.
* Click-handler for second half of code-mark.
* Better default color scheme for code mark.
* New function of and().
* New option "both" in "type of retrieval".
* New option of subset in GetAtrr().
* It can handle ' correctly now.
* Various bugfixes.

As always, feedbacks and suggestions are more than welcome.


Latest News

RQDA 0.2-1 is released

HUANG RONGGUI - 2011-09-11 01:43 -

RQDA 0.1-9 is on CRAN now

HUANG RONGGUI - 2010-03-02 17:55 -

RQDA 0.1-7 is sumbitted to CRAN

HUANG RONGGUI - 2009-05-15 10:51 -

RQDA-0.1-6 is on CRAN

HUANG RONGGUI - 2009-01-02 09:43 -

RQDA-0.1.6 RC3

HUANG RONGGUI - 2008-12-18 21:36 -


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