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dist.matrix is producing multiple distance matrices, I only want one [ Reply ]
By: Su M on 2017-04-26 10:50
I'm new to R and I have the following: a concatenated fasta file and I want to compute the distance matrix. I'm running my script via sbatch. My R script is:
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
print("No arguments supplied.")

myseqs <- read.alignment(file=args, format = "fasta")
dist.alignment(myseqs, matrix = "identity")
m<-as.matrix(dist.alignment(myseqs, matrix = "identity"))

write.matrix(m, file = "", sep = " ", blocksize)

I get rows omitted error so I added:


But I still get rows omitted error. In addition, the distance matrix is being computed multiple times and is outputting multiple matrices. Does anyone know how to produce one matrix only.

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