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RE: Imposing monotonicity (Henningsen & Henning, 2009) [ Reply ]
By: Arne Henningsen on 2018-03-30 07:52
It seems that the matrix "monoRestr" has not the expected dimensions. Please provide a minimal (simplified) reproducible example.

Imposing monotonicity (Henningsen & Henning, 2009) [ Reply ]
By: Daniel Quijano on 2018-01-31 01:18

Dear Dr. Arnne,

I´m using the three-step procedure to try to impose regional monotonicity on a translog stochastic production function, consisting of five variables (Navigation days, crew, engine power, month and year) and no z-variables.

In the second step:

"minDistResult <- solve.QP(Dmat=uCovInv, dvec= rep(0,length(uCoef)),
Amat= t(monoRestr), bvec = - monoRestr%*%uCoef)"

I´m getting this error,

Error en solve.QP(Dmat = uCovInv, dvec = rep(0, length(uCoef)), Amat = t(monoRestr), : Amat and dvec are incompatible!

Where can I find literature that can help me with this error?

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