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RE: gEcon 3.5.0 Problem Installation windows [ Reply ]
By: Nicolás Suárez on 2019-12-16 03:00

SW_03 niko.R (3) downloads
Hi Carol, I am sending the distrubution part, were I have the problem that I told you, Do you need all script?

# ###################################################################
# 2. declare prior distribution
# ###################################################################

propuesta_de_distribucion <- list(
# list(par = "sd(eta_b)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.012, sd = 0.3, lower_bound = 0.0001,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.008),
# list(par = "sd(eta_L)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.012, sd = 0.3, lower_bound = 0.0001,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.008),
# list(par = "sd(eta_I)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.4, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.6, upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.03), #0.46, 0.03, 0.0001, 0.9, 0.86
# list(par = "sd(eta_w)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.012, sd = 0.3, lower_bound = 0.0001,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.008),
# list(par = "sd(eta_a)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.012, sd = 0.3, lower_bound = 0.0001,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.008),
# list(par = "sd(eta_p)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.012, sd = 0.3, lower_bound = 0.0001,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.008),
# list(par = "sd(eta_G)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.012, sd = 0.3, lower_bound = 0.0001,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.008),
list(par = "sd(eta_R)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.75, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.6,upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.82), #0.83
# list(par = "sd(eta_pi)", type = "inv_gamma",mean = 0.8, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.7, upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.88),
# list(par = "sigma_l", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.001, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
# list(par = "sigma_c", type = "beta", mean = 0.5, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.001, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.01),
list(par = "rho_pi_bar", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.01, upper_bound = 0.94, initial = 0.88), #0.8
# list(par = "rho", type = "beta", mean = 0.5, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.7, upper_bound = 0.95, initial = 0.93)
# list(par = "rho_G", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
# list(par = "rho_a", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
list(par = "rho_I", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.6, upper_bound = 0.95, initial = 0.86) #0.86
# list(par = "rho_L", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
# list(par = "rho_b", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
# list(par = "r_Delta_y", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.001, upper_bound = 0.95, initial = 0.88)
# list(par = "r_Delta_pi", type = "beta", mean = 0.8, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.3, upper_bound = 0.84, initial = 0.82)
# list(par = "r_Y", type = "beta", mean = 0.75, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.6, upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.7)
# list(par = "r_pi", type = "beta", mean = 0.75, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.9, initial = 0.7)
# list(par = "psi", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92)
# list(par = "omega", type = "beta", mean = 1.45, sd = 0.1, lower_bound = 1, upper_bound = 2, initial = 1.5)
# list(par = "lambda_w", type = "normal", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
# list(par = "gamma_p", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92),
# list(par = "gamma_w", type = "beta", mean = 0.88, sd = 0.03, lower_bound = 0.5, upper_bound = 0.999, initial = 0.92)

sw_gecon_prior <- gecon_prior(prior_list = propuesta_de_distribucion, model = sw_gecon)

plot_prior(sw_gecon_prior, to_eps = TRUE)

RE: gEcon 3.5.0 Problem Installation windows [ Reply ]
By: Karol Podemski on 2019-12-07 15:18
Hi Nicolas,

can you send me a script which you were not able to run or attach it to your posts here.


RE: gEcon 3.5.0 Problem Installation windows [ Reply ]
By: Nicolás Suárez on 2019-12-01 16:19
I am very grateful, finally I could resolv the big problem, I could install the gEcon, but I Had another problem, specically whit Package ‘gEcon.estimation’. In my scrip I need the function "gecon_prior", but it is not working and I do not kwon why, I installed the pakege the same way you teach me, but the packege do not working, hope you can help me again

kind regard


RE: gEcon 3.5.0 Problem Installation windows [ Reply ]
By: Karol Podemski on 2019-12-01 13:43
Hi Nicolas,

the possible reason why you got this message is that you are trying to download the package from CRAN using install.packages("gEcon") command.

gEcon is not available from CRAN. In order to install the package you have to download the binary (ending with .zip) from and install it using command (you may specify another path modifying the first argument):
install.packages("~/", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")

I hope this will help.


gEcon 3.5.0 Problem Installation windows [ Reply ]
By: Nicolás Suárez on 2019-12-01 03:19
I had to reformat the program becouse, I was working in Ubuntu, but mi computer crashed and by emergency I need to install de gEcon on Windows, in the page of gEcon is whritten that R vertion 3.5.X es the perfect one. But I could not installing the gEcon becouse always Rstudio tell:

Warning in install.packages :
package ‘gEcon’ is not available (for R version 3.5.0)

please, I need a hand as son as posible. I am a PhD student and my thesys in based in these program.

kind regardss


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