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Doubt about pairwise function of RRPP package [ Reply ]
By: Jayme Marques on 2022-02-26 13:19

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Hello R forge comunnit,

I have a specific doubt about RRPP and GEOMORPH package functions.

I am trying to compare the trajectory allometry of skull shape in four species of snakes ( my data of shape are geometric morphometric coordinates). I am using the function Procd.lm to run the following


Using the summary function I obteined this:

Df SS MS Rsq F Z Pr(>F)
log(ttlength) 1 0.14032 0.140319 0.34286 93.479 5.7990 0.001 **
spp 3 0.06072 0.020239 0.14836 13.483 8.9833 0.001 **
log(ttlength):spp 3 0.01008 0.003359 0.02463 2.238 3.8872 0.001 **
Residuals 132 0.19814 0.001501 0.48415
Total 139 0.40926

# My first question is: Is this result saying that at least one species differs from the others in the slope trajectory? correctly ?

Using the pairwise function in the MANCOVA, to pairwise compare the slopes between species the result is this:

allo_ALL<-pairwise(alometria.all, groups=spp)


#Pairwise distances between means, plus statistics
d UCL (95%) Z Pr > d
BOTALT:BOTFON 0.04171967 0.04842692 -0.1259108 0.536
BOTALT:BOTJAR 0.03888497 0.04319270 0.1569560 0.438
BOTALT:BOTPUB 0.02516634 0.03021651 -0.8676365 0.817
BOTFON:BOTJAR 0.02331394 0.03105392 -1.0254375 0.847
BOTFON:BOTPUB 0.04259982 0.05003583 -0.4108532 0.654
BOTJAR:BOTPUB 0.03828906 0.04364420 -0.3659096 0.638

Saying that all my species do not differ in the distance means


I want to know how can I dyscover what is the different pointed between the species in the first summary.

I noted that using pairwise function with the TOTAL LENGTH (ttlength) as a covariable:

allo_ALL<-pairwise(alometria.all, groups=spp, covariete= ttlength)

the result is:

Pairwise distances between slope vector
(end-points), plus statistics
d UCL (95%) Z Pr > d
BOTALT:BOTFON 0.0006912669 0.0007153177 1.3756084 0.083
BOTALT:BOTJAR 0.0007486346 0.0004477359 4.7925516 0.001**
BOTALT:BOTPUB 0.0006960572 0.0005804760 2.8198602 0.002**
BOTFON:BOTJAR 0.0004313468 0.0006309879 -0.4105356 0.650
BOTFON:BOTPUB 0.0004007854 0.0006455627 -0.9518647 0.821
BOTJAR:BOTPUB 0.0002903250 0.0004558577 -0.7147862 0.754

Showing significant differents between species slopes.

But I dont know if its making sense in real..

Could some one help me please?

Thanks for the attention!

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