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RE: Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Henrik Bengtsson on 2009-06-11 06:09

I've just done this the other week. I've documented every step in 'Transferring projects from one Subversion (SVN) server to the R-forge server' available here:

Please give feedback and consider contributing to these docs.

RE: Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Henrik Bengtsson on 2009-05-28 17:00
Thanks, this was really useful. I haven't done any SVN copy/move commands (whenever I moved something between packages I only did delete and add), so that might have save me/us some trouble.

I now have a filtered SVN dump for all my packages. The file is 300MB. I have successfully setup an empty repository and loaded the complete dump file.

Q1: There are ~30 packages, each is in a separate subdirectory of trunk/Rpacks/. Is this structure alright with you? If not, please let me know how to restructure before sending it to you.

Q2: I've created two projects at r-forge: (roughly) one to hold all packages named /trunk/Rpacks/R.* and one to hold all named /trunk/Rpacks/aroma.*. Do you prefer one or two dump files for this? (Does the fact that there were no SVN move/copy done make a difference here?)



PS. I'm documenting all steps and will later share verbatim commands.

RE: Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Stefan Theussl on 2009-05-08 08:45
Indeed, dumping parts (e.g. packages) from a huge svn repository is a bit tricky. For our projects we do something like
cat myhugedumpfile | svndumpfilter include '/trunk/R/packagename' '/trunk/packagename' --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs > packagename.dump

You see, you need to include every directory in history which contains the 'packagename' directory. Otherwise upon import svnadmin won't find transactions pointing to old versions of files or directories in the svn history. Especially if you did a lot of 'svn move' and 'svn copy' this will be a tedious task.

Nevertheless, after you succeeded in extracting the necessary parts you need to create an empty repository. Then you add subdirectories not included in the dump file (in the above case, we needed to add a directory 'trunk' which was not included after filtering) to the that empty repository. Afterwards you can 'svnadmin load' your dumpfile to the repository from which you create the final dump file.

As you see there are several steps to produce a light-weighted dump file containing only the history of your package. There is little documentation about that but if you are interested in making a draft for the R-Forge manual please do so. I will definitely include it.

Hope this helps.
We can discuss further details on R-Forge _AT_ if there are open questions.


RE: Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Henrik Bengtsson on 2009-05-08 03:43

I want to migrate my projects/packages from a large SVN repository to r-forge and I also like to migrate the SVN history.

The current repository contains tons of projects where mine are only a fraction. Doing a svndump would simply generate a ridiculously large file.

Do you known if svnfilter on the svndump output will work (smoothly for you guys)? Some reports say it can be used but also says one might run into problems, cf. I'm happy to be a volunteer.

RE: Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Stefan Theussl on 2008-08-25 14:44
That's correct. And if the resulting dump file is too large for sending via email you alternatively offer the dump file somewhere for downloading.


RE: Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Duncan Murdoch on 2008-08-25 14:30
Found it myself: the process is described at the end of the R-forge manual. You do an svnadmin dump, check that it is loadable, then send it to the R-forge admins who do the load for you.

Importing existing svn history? [ Reply ]
By: Duncan Murdoch on 2008-08-25 11:42
I'd like to use "svnadmin dump" to export some svn history, and then load it into R-forge. I thought Stefan said in his useR presentation that this was possible, but I can't spot the option. Is it really possible? How do I do it?

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