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(Updated Daily)

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Rank Project Name Percentile
  1 Analysis of Independent Contrasts 100%
  1 Joint Modelling 99.78%
  3 Project ORBIT 97.64%
  3 forummailtest 97.94%
  4 mpia 95.51%
  5 Processing of respiration chamber data 89.37%
  6 MAMI 87.71%
  6 pCMF 89.52%
  6 spatialwarnings 92.27%
  8 59.40%
  8 MSDem - Multistate Demography 80.44%
  8 build_system_testing 82.56%
  9 Statistical Learning Courses 55.96%
  9 treetop 61.69%
  9 RNMImport 91.59%
  9 LadderFuelsR 49.49%
  9 arbR - An R interface to Arblib 34.99%
  10 Non-Interactive Spatial Tools for Raster 76.02%
  10 MEET.5.1:Motif Element Estimation Tools 92.92%
  10 BioMod 86.65%
  10 GPBoost 59.68%
  10 ClusVis 78.91%
  11 DeMix 77.98%
  11 Causal Inference Methods 43.77%
  11 simsem - Simulated SEM 91.91%
  11 radarBoxplot 62.99%
  11 gnn 58.34%
  11 loedata 43.66%
  11 ESTIMATE 76.70%
  12 topmodels: Enhanced Model Infrastructure 53.42%
  12 ordijuice 82.35%
  12 multiplier 83.33%
  12 Unifying Results with Binary Variables 64.28%
  12 seqimpute 49.87%
  13 Tools for Uplift Modeling 58.41%
  13 ADEA 31.49%
  13 ForestGapR 52.66%
  13 R Programming 2019 (Uni Innsbruck) 56.61%
  13 productivity 69.31%
  13 Calculate effective number of clusters. 43.23%
  13 sfaR 56.21%
  13 dcGOR 83.49%
  13 PopGenInfeR 54.26%
  14 rfnew 34.14%
  14 orloca - Planar point location problem 51.38%
  14 NMF - Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 89.50%
  14 si4bayesmeta:Sensitivity-Identification 58.77%
  14 R integration for the stk++ library 76.03%
  14 rgmirt 62.59%
  14 Cytangle 40.65%
  14 OMOP CDM tidyverse tools 56.01%
  14 Replication Success 52.05%
  14 InstabilityTest 42.07%
  14 lefko3: matrix projection models 35.69%
  15 Collinearity detection and treatment 48.67%
  15 simulato 37.35%
  15 my NMR PROJECT 21.76%
  15 RMVL 33.93%
  15 GAMLSS 67.76%
  15 RBOINC 38.59%
  15 Visualization of correlated variables 54.88%
  16 fitmixst 42.75%
  16 Continuous Molecular Fields 60.42%
  16 labstatR 35.25%
  16 RcmdrPlugin.UCA - Rcmdr adds for novices 49.07%
  16 sdamr: R companion package to SDAM 28.65%
  16 Ragram: Radargrammetry using SAR data 74.47%
  16 Quasi-likelihood parameter estimation 62.15%
  16 mfx - Marginal Effects etc. of GLMs 58.01%
  16 Counterparty Credit Risk Management 54.16%
  16 J4R 57.30%
  17 atc 37.68%
  17 nvmix 47.63%
  17 PPseg 58.79%
  17 pa4bayesmeta: Prior accuracy in NNHM 35.95%
  17 nebula 38.87%
  17 Extreme Risk Measures 50.06%
  17 XGR 58.74%
  17 matchingMarkets 73.73%
  17 rich 71.90%
  17 Lindon Precipitation 27.30%
  17 LongCART 50.22%
  17 River Research and Modelling 67.94%
  17 ssExtra: Extending sampSurf 40.16%
  17 multiUS 37.07%
  17 Astec 35.98%
  18 Single-Case Data Analyses 58.23%
  18 flightplanning 36.67%
  18 Bitcoin API RPC-JSON 55.74%
  18 rGEDI 38.04%
  18 BATS - Bayesian Adaptive Trial Simulator 24.73%
  18 Iterated Function Systems 23.93%
  18 rrMisc: some data processing helpers 54.34%
  18 meteoRIT 36.33%
  18 diagenesis 26.63%
  18 R Commander Plugin for Fuzzy Clustering 71.25%
  18 Extended dPCR 66.66%
  18 Group-lasso and Hierarchical Clustering 54.83%
  18 R Programming 2018 (Uni Innsbruck) 52.97%
  18 Opefimor 23.24%
  18 leafR 24.95%
  18 frontier: Stochastic Frontier Analysis 73.87%
  19 Simulation of Fatigue Lifetimes 51.18%
  19 pCalibrate: Calibration of P-values 46.74%
  19 EntRstats 8.940%
  19 genoPlotR - plot gene and genome maps 63.13%
  19 matlab 33.87%
  19 Priority Index 51.12%
  19 Metastatistical EVD 39.79%
  19 Stereological Unfolding 50.08%
  19 MMcRSS 35.41%
  19 Weibull-R 38.54%
  19 cameratraps 32.24%
  19 espa_tools 53.49%
  19 hetsar: heterogeneous spatial panels 33.31%
  19 Human sciences statistics with R 34.06%
  19 sureau.r 43.17%
  19 Extremal Dependence 64.89%
  20 Tools for working at ZAMG 33.11%
  20 Readability 34.60%
  20 Wright functions in R 24.11%
  20 R Programming 2017 (Uni Innsbruck) 56.95%
  20 dnet 64.44%
  20 sl4bayesmeta: Sensitivity and learning 39.13%
  20 Atlas and Analysis 41.02%
  20 recursive segmentation 62.00%
  20 STOPS 48.93%
  20 Copulas modeling Multivariate-Dependence 45.72%
  20 R6Nomograms 29.19%
  20 tabularMLC 38.44%
  20 R-Forge Testing 28.26%
  20 Feature Selector 84.27%
  20 R/exams: Automatic Generation of Exams 75.04%
  20 Advance Clustering 70.95%
  20 Request API Services 31.02%
  21 CNVScope 46.63%
  21 QCA - Qualitative Comparative Analysis 68.43%
  21 twrap: published journal tables object 29.56%
  21 Special Mathematical Functions 41.36%
  21 systemfit: Estimating Equation Systems 67.74%
  21 PythonInR 60.75%
  21 Feature Selection for MTS 35.15%
  21 FNMA Loan Level Analytics 12.14%
  21 ROML (R Optimization Modeling Language) 57.70%
  21 Hedonic Elementary Price Indices 62.69%
  21 Meta-Analysis of Individual Differences 29.00%
  21 KHB: Comparing nonlinear regression 49.59%
  21 New Algorithms for Boosting 63.32%
  21 RSiena - social network analysis 67.27%
  21 sandwich: Robust Covariance Estimation 38.29%
  21 CompoundEvents 37.87%
  21 Automated phenological analyses 65.98%
  21 rForest 30.00%
  22 survMisc 71.38%
  22 rwt 25.16%
  22 ra4bayesmeta: Reference analysis in NNHM 27.57%
  22 data.table 80.06%
  22 Rollply 62.71%
  22 Wats 78.03%
  22 Bayesian Model for Rare Variant analysis 46.42%
  22 rebmix package 55.18%
  22 qtlDesign 50.21%
  22 maxLik: Maximum Likelihood Estimation 66.41%
  22 GADA 83.09%
  22 COXMEG 29.68%
  22 Miscellaneous General-Purpose Functions 53.93%
  22 BLMomentum 21.83%
  22 Eddy-Covariance Data Processing 71.21%
  22 Mensuration 29.09%
  22 SpaTimeClus 60.99%
  22 RHRV 70.72%
  22 ODE Solvers Compiled On-Demand 63.16%
  22 Rpad 77.58%
  22 ACEt model 59.14%
  23 Log-Binomial Regression Model 34.17%
  23 nse 60.10%
  23 timebart: survival analysis with BART 56.53%
  23 Quality Engineering Statistics 20.04%
  23 whitebox 29.28%
  23 networkSpatial 50.24%
  23 surroSurv 56.91%
  23 Fish Migration Monitoring (stacomiR) 57.88%
  23 nixmass 31.87%
  23 micEcon: Microeconomic Analysis 67.30%
  23 OOMPA 41.87%
  23 Chapman & Rodden, Quant UX Research 20.71%
  23 Local-EM Algorithm 43.36%
  23 DiagnosisMed 52.55%
  23 Complex Surveys 41.88%
  23 strucchange: Structural Change Methods 34.48%
  23 supraHex 55.24%
  24 Fast functions for stock market analysis 58.72%
  24 Soil water 65.79%
  24 regression - user oriented functions 45.58%
  24 CKdata 40.54%
  24 Spatial point patterns and fda methods 76.76%
  24 STARStools 82.29%
  24 ecpaysage2 10.97%
  24 EBI Metagenomics 38.71%
  24 binom 72.69%
  24 linprog: Linear Programming/Optimization 72.06%
  24 HMTD 21.06%
  24 Bayesian t-test 19.28%
  24 ECPaysage 51.57%
  25 BayesR: Bayesian Regression 57.15%
  25 Siland 19.65%
  25 Meta-analysis for diagnostic test study 48.71%
  25 ccSolve 67.26%
  25 plantlist: Looking Up Plant Families 55.60%
  25 stablelearner 38.84%
  25 Matrix Methods and Classes 58.99%
  25 pkg2html 45.63%
  25 CancerSim 9.722%
  25 coin: Conditional Inference Procedures 60.36%
  25 ems 41.24%
  25 Metacommunity Simulator 39.42%
  25 Compositional Data Analysis in Practice 25.71%
  25 Trading Post 22.34%
  25 bat - Biodiversity Assessment Tools 72.03%
  25 Interface to use SIMPLACE from R 47.75%
  25 Tools for estimating Discrete Choice mod 38.14%
  25 jgLiao 22.00%
  26 fuzzySim 42.33%
  26 GVAR - Global VAR Modeling 68.18%
  26 Thresher 38.36%
  26 herblabel:Labels for Herbarium Specimens 53.45%
  26 ziLRhClust: hclust for zeroinflated data 56.54%
  26 pgfSweave 80.60%
  26 Classification of RNA Structure Change 55.34%
  26 CHNOSZ 50.59%
  26 march 47.69%
  26 colorspace: Computing with Colorspaces 43.77%
  26 Software Development @ ISU 80.35%
  26 PsychoR 45.83%
  26 geneNetBP 46.69%
  26 Downscaling species occupancy 58.23%
  26 SoilR 75.43%
  26 Gradient forest 51.45%
  27 surveillance 53.21%
  27 partykit: Recursive Partytioning Toolkit 53.99%
  27 SHARPR2 41.84%
  27 NewmanOmics 33.80%
  27 netbenchmark 67.52%
  27 Threshold dynamic panels 15.59%
  27 sampleSelection: Limited Dependent Vari. 62.26%
  27 ROI - R Optimization Infrastructure 47.95%
  27 Eagle for Genome-Wide Association Mappin 27.67%
  27 Species Distribution Modelling 53.97%
  27 CorReg 68.08%
  27 rgl: 3D visualization support 59.72%
  27 Epigenotyping using bisulfite sequencing 71.66%
  27 MuMIn - multi-model inference 53.42%
  27 Connectivity Scores with Factor Analysis 59.43%
  27 VarSelLCM 52.06%
  27 Curve Estimation etc 47.41%
  27 modEvA 38.35%
  28 rtfSweave 41.00%
  28 parallelorder 16.40%
  28 Robust Horvitz-Thompson Estimation 64.36%
  28 nnetpredint: ANN prediction intervals 45.93%
  28 GeneticMediation 19.96%
  28 JBTools: ncdf tools and spectral methods 72.30%
  28 forestFloor 67.25%
  28 ctm 51.53%
  28 Event related potentials 47.21%
  28 rLiDAR 45.78%
  28 sampSurf Wavelets 31.41%
  28 translate.R 58.37%
  29 PEMS data analysis tools 52.19%
  29 CloneSeeker 35.22%
  29 Distribution of rare plant species (ESM) 17.74%
  29 diseasemapping 54.58%
  29 StudyPrior 40.72%
  29 Visualization of models in 3D 79.37%
  29 Diagnostic and prognostic meta-analysis 50.64%
  29 Easy database interface 75.95%
  29 Rcmdr: R Commander GUI for R 52.76%
  29 CFFDRS Calculations 44.76%
  29 DirichletReg - Dirichlet Regression 50.68%
  29 TreeHotspots 56.79%
  29 CoreArray 66.55%
  30 kinfit/(g)mkin: fit chemical degradation 60.26%
  30 R-text-to-speech 69.18%
  30 survival 75.35%
  30 Chain graph models in R 46.68%
  30 raster -- spatial data 54.70%
  30 polycor: polychoric and polyserial 45.41%
  30 robustbase - Basic Robust Statistics 47.26%
  30 qrmdata 38.10%
  30 The Soil Texture Wizard 67.04%
  30 RDataMining - a package for data mining 77.18%
  30 catlearn 39.44%
  30 jss: Tools for JSS Manuscripts 21.61%
  30 Sequence analysis for social scientists 45.36%
  30 cccp 51.15%
  30 eefAnalytics 37.37%
  30 High-Dimensional Metrics 42.27%
  30 cgen 66.62%
  30 RgoogleMaps 42.38%
  30 blockmodeling 36.70%
  31 Spatial Clustering 53.04%
  31 Rmetrics - Computational Finance 50.72%
  31 CommEcol - Analyses in Community Ecology 42.62%
  31 RNetCDF 45.08%
  31 gEcon 51.95%
  31 MotilityLab 52.22%
  31 plsgenomics: PLS analyses for genomics 64.54%
  31 Ensemble Resampling Bias Correction 46.64%
  31 pglm 38.31%
  31 US Census Spatial Data 46.66%
  31 CNVScopePublicData 12.51%
  31 Entropy-based LISA 56.11%
  31 T-LoCoH Development 58.53%
  31 MCS 53.90%
  31 StatOmics 39.91%
  31 Dendrometry 8.732%
  31 Spatial Stochastic Frontier 52.36%
  31 Statistical Complexity Measures 51.20%
  32 plm: linear models for panel data 47.88%
  32 hyperSpec 67.32%
  32 Gauss-Seidel Estimation of GLMM 68.52%
  32 Java ordinary R infrastructure support 74.84%
  32 RFLPtools 70.76%
  32 SOMbrero 66.52%
  32 Multivariate Functional Regression 47.35%
  32 SciViews 69.57%
  32 Movement Modeling Using CTMCs 56.84%
  32 Ranking Methods for Factorial Designs 47.35%
  32 qrmtools 36.15%
  32 GUTS 48.21%
  33 Rmpfr: Multiple Precision Floatingpoint 44.78%
  33 R.* packages [MOVED TO GITHUB] 73.09%
  33 Optimization and solving packages 49.84%
  33 Simulation of clustered multi-state data 76.05%
  33 fxregime: Exchange Rate Regime Analysis 27.95%
  33 libamtrack 61.81%
  33 R interface to GDAL, OGR and PROJ.4 44.02%
  33 expm - Matrix exponential 43.92%
  33 R2MLwiN 38.92%
  33 CopulaSurvival 43.08%
  33 Robust time series analysis 47.63%
  33 Movement Analysis 46.99%
  33 Conditional Random Fields 52.59%
  33 semantic 58.50%
  33 Cosegregation Analysis 34.05%
  34 Fused-ANOVA 70.82%
  34 hwriter5 40.90%
  34 mvtnorm: Multivariate normal and t Distr 43.12%
  34 emon: ecological monitoring 37.27%
  34 SelvarMix 41.40%
  34 biclustGUI 62.21%
  34 IntClust 59.19%
  34 Risk Measure COGARCH 10.38%
  34 REDCapR 62.04%
  34 Moment and Inverse Moment Bayes factors 45.85%
  34 Skellam distribution 38.98%
  35 survGenesInterim 74.54%
  35 GeneralizedLambda 36.19%
  35 Optimist 43.81%
  35 Generalized method of moments 38.16%
  35 pkgmaker 72.65%
  35 msm: Multi-state models 63.90%
  35 Tables for statistical reports 57.96%
  35 High Performance Cluster Models 29.38%
  35 PhyloOrchard 73.71%
  35 opfp 44.97%
  35 FinTS 42.61%
  35 Realtime classification of fish 43.07%
  35 blockRA 57.42%
  35 Yuima Project 43.73%
  35 UMPIRE 29.13%
  35 NlsyLinks 68.91%
  35 Companion for Applied Linear Regression 28.70%
  35 gregmisc 42.63%
  35 Two-piece distributions and applications 30.55%
  35 nonlinearTseries 63.45%
  35 An R interface to NOMADS 36.98%
  35 ctv: CRAN Task Views 46.61%
  35 colorscience 51.46%
  36 MixCluster 54.27%
  36 SobolSensitivity 35.34%
  36 car: Companion to Applied Regression 39.58%
  36 grImport: Importing external images 35.44%
  36 Intro to computational finance in R 61.59%
  36 Multiv. Outlier Detection and Imputation 47.01%
  36 Rphree 54.21%
  36 qrng 32.29%
  36 Triangle: 2D mesh generator 56.57%
  36 aroma.* packages [MOVED TO GITHUB] 69.47%
  36 loa 51.10%
  36 Low Rank Gaussian Process Regression 53.79%
  36 FNTD 53.19%
  36 DClusterm 39.34%
  36 picante 64.89%
  36 RcmdrPlugin Easy Script Templates 60.59%
  36 Analysis of Count Time Series 46.48%
  37 Rcpp - Seamless R and C++ Integration 69.08%
  37 MPAgenomics 59.41%
  37 blockrand 23.66%
  37 gazepatterns 40.86%
  37 Composite Likelihood for Random Fields 58.95%
  37 FSim 65.57%
  37 distr - S4 classes for distributions 48.10%
  37 SuperCurve 49.61%
  37 Epi package for epidemiology with R 45.33%
  37 RobASt - Robust Asymptotic Statistics 49.59%
  37 lexicalStat 61.37%
  37 Real-time prediction of dengue outbreak 45.73%
  37 Stosim 39.84%
  37 Projections using Bayesian APC model 35.87%
  37 quality management data and functions 57.19%
  38 Polyphase 30.05%
  38 cati 62.90%
  38 Functional diversity 44.63%
  38 CALIBER health records research toolkit 45.65%
  38 pi0 estimators 67.24%
  38 HITXML 36.22%
  38 IsoGeneGUI 60.60%
  38 iMad/RADCAL - NOT FUNCTIONAL 71.79%
  38 Hierarchical Biclustering 33.81%
  38 mqqc 53.00%
  38 MHTrajectoryR 44.01%
  38 Korean R Translation Repository 56.14%
  38 Analysis of phenological digital imagery 50.43%
  38 lava [MOVED TO GITHUB] 65.56%
  38 Chapman & Feit: R-Marketing 27.51%
  38 Funclustering 58.92%
  38 Probabilistic Index Models 59.38%
  38 vegsoup - classes for phytosociology 42.15%
  39 Robust Library 55.29%
  39 Multidimensional item response theory 73.22%
  39 Distributional semantics in R 48.96%
  39 Formula: Extended Formulas 36.63%
  39 effects - display terms in models 41.21%
  39 prefmod - analysis of preferences 40.43%
  39 Classification and Regression Training 67.87%
  39 Linear ballistic accumulator model 28.00%
  39 ReturnAnalytics 60.28%
  39 zipfR - modelling type-token statistics 39.62%
  40 SeqinR: Biological Sequences in R 35.33%
  40 RcmdrPlugin.TextMiningSuite 69.39%
  40 Educational Assessment Tools 48.54%
  40 crop 25.27%
  40 Statistical analysis of corpus data 44.89%
  40 Generalized ridge trace plots 53.83%
  40 MvBinary 38.28%
  40 ProbeAnnotator 56.36%
  40 deSolve: Differential Equation Solvers 39.17%
  40 Risk Assessment with R 43.58%
  40 Raster Time Series 40.83%
  40 Muste - the R implementation of Survo 67.38%
  40 Computer-Assisted Analysis of Mixtures 38.48%
  40 Bayesian Fractional Polynomials 44.55%
  41 greenbrown 53.85%
  41 d/p/q/r functions of Coxian distribution 5.090%
  41 SciencesPo 68.71%
  41 IntegratedJM 28.08%
  41 Rcplex 35.77%
  41 VBV - time series decomosition with VBV 62.74%
  41 BCE 34.36%
  41 DeadCanMove 53.28%
  41 RNetLogo (Discontinued) 58.91%
  41 Models of trait macroevolution on trees 66.75%
  41 splm: spatial panel data models 34.40%
  41 geospt 44.38%
  41 meteo 46.93%
  41 glmx: Generalized Linear Models Extended 43.85%
  41 memisc 60.48%
  41 inspectr 66.98%
  41 twDEMC 55.51%
  41 Open TFDEA (Tech Forecast DEA) 67.89%
  41 Marker dosage estimation for polyploids 64.16%
  42 DetSel 70.40%
  42 Mesh generation and surface tesselation 54.36%
  42 ObsSens 40.43%
  42 PeerPerformance 55.09%
  42 Exploratory space-time data analysis 38.12%
  42 Tools for handling spatial objects 42.47%
  42 sfadv 11.41%
  42 Class Prediction 38.90%
  42 e1071 27.85%
  42 Latent Semantic Analysis 48.88%
  42 GO-GARCH 41.34%
  42 twinspan 45.82%
  42 R interface to GEOS 38.26%
  42 pcalg - Interventioneffects using graphs 36.44%
  42 zoo: Time Series Infrastructure 30.90%
  43 HTSAnalysis 51.74%
  43 Rankcluster 56.67%
  43 CoModes 38.95%
  43 rbamtools 59.38%
  43 Probability 44.62%
  43 afex - Analysis of Factorial Experiments 62.66%
  43 Free Sort Phi 31.54%
  43 Extra Utilities for Lattice Graphics 40.04%
  43 spgrass 33.09%
  43 T-LoCoH 49.42%
  43 Modelling Peaks Over Threshold 49.19%
  43 ctsem: Continuous time SEM 48.64%
  43 weimea 50.32%
  43 multcomp: Simultaneous Inference 37.05%
  43 FFD - Freedom From Disease 31.64%
  43 Sparse group lasso [MOVED TO GITHUB] 61.86%
  44 Vector Symbolic Architectures 66.77%
  44 The Hilbert Huang Transform 25.13%
  44 IRT person fit 42.07%
  44 Subgroup Discovery and Analytics 37.74%
  44 Survival analysis with BART 27.03%
  44 clamix - Clustering Symbolic Objects 28.34%
  44 The SDE package 40.20%
  44 Fast kernel change-point procedure 14.12%
  44 gdalUtils 42.69%
  44 NCCT-R 52.93%
  44 Plant Growth Analysis 64.02%
  44 party 40.68%
  44 rootSolve 36.86%
  44 ca: Correspondence Analysis in R 38.19%
  44 highriskzone 34.25%
  44 Event History Analysis 59.63%
  44 freqdom: Frequency Domain Analysis 47.05%
  44 Global Soil Information Facilities 56.73%
  44 OriGen 35.98%
  44 Prediction models 63.99%
  45 Joint segmentation [MOVED TO GITHUB] 56.75%
  45 Rweibo 58.08%
  45 Corbi 39.53%
  45 tables: Compute and format tables 40.58%
  45 plotKML 48.11%
  45 xtable 45.75%
  45 NMOF 64.60%
  45 sentiment 63.34%
  45 Species identity and evolution in R 47.76%
  45 Physical activity with accelerometers 57.85%
  45 FactoMineR 64.39%
  45 LIM 34.48%
  45 CellMix 69.44%
  45 An R wrapper for PostgreSQL's libpq 47.49%
  45 flock 41.09%
  45 Probabilistic Knowledge Structures 38.10%
  46 plotGoogleMaps 40.61%
  46 ZooImage 56.91%
  46 Plotting social networks on maps 56.05%
  46 gnmf 45.80%
  46 mvinfluence: multivariate influence 49.56%
  46 countreg: Count Data Regression 27.07%
  46 Rcmdr survival analysis plug-in 34.63%
  46 SMfSB 29.55%
  46 rneos: R interface to NEOS 40.73%
  46 Vennerable 61.38%
  46 rPithon: use Python over a 'pipe' 26.26%
  46 qualV - Qualitative Validation Criteria 28.04%
  46 RcppOctave 63.81%
  46 bayesdnamix 48.60%
  46 softclassval 61.90%
  46 General functions for accelerometry 54.67%
  46 Experimental Design Tools 39.50%
  46 data management R Tools 63.40%
  46 diagram 34.99%
  46 utf8latex 46.87%
  47 TIMP 49.21%
  47 twang 34.68%
  47 Retistruct - Retinal reconstruction 49.15%
  47 plot3D 42.50%
  47 Fast- and Frugal Trees [early alpha!] 50.59%
  47 Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models 46.97%
  47 Qtools 47.39%
  47 Statistical methods for visual fields 62.33%
  47 readcsvcolumns 27.24%
  47 depmixS4 - hidden Markov model classes 44.97%
  47 HistogramTools for Big Data 51.36%
  47 climtrends 33.95%
  47 BioCro 44.22%
  48 truncreg 25.30%
  48 is2 30.62%
  48 foreach 28.37%
  48 Metrum Research Group 28.89%
  48 snatm 59.44%
  48 metaSEM 57.70%
  48 Test for point containment in polyhedron 42.34%
  48 rhr 61.71%
  48 R package for Non Smooth Optimization 61.96%
  48 CIPS-R 39.09%
  48 Datasets from The Statistical Sleuth 50.80%
  48 mhurdle 43.56%
  48 html5Vis 64.96%
  48 ipred 32.79%
  48 nlcv 58.98%
  48 CNAV 60.07%
  48 RASTA 60.18%
  49 mlogit 38.05%
  49 Trimmed Spearman-Karber Method 35.88%
  49 Parent-specific DNA copy numbers (abo) 59.68%
  49 Segmentor3IsBack 61.16%
  49 scoring: Proper scoring rules 24.40%
  49 metRology 37.39%
  49 UW CFRM and GARP Collaborative Project 49.76%
  49 R Point and Figure Library 47.79%
  49 sse: Sample Size Estimation 28.23%
  49 Bayesian AuTomated Metabolite Analyser 45.79%
  49 Ecdat : data sets for econometrics 38.28%
  49 Trajectory Similarity 42.18%
  49 TFX 60.89%
  50 Stat2SLAW 48.91%
  50 arrayhelpers 54.59%
  50 logisticDx 57.58%
  50 softmaxreg 25.98%
  50 R.TeMiS 51.97%
  50 nopp 41.68%
  50 hdi: High-Dimensional Inference 39.41%
  50 AtelieR 58.29%
  50 LncDM(LncRNA Different methylation) 9.170%
  50 Structural equation modeling 54.73%
  50 Bayes factors 55.08%
  50 Hierarchical RandomForest 39.38%
  50 AICTS I 39.84%
  50 temp 55.33%
  50 satf 54.14%
  50 labeling - axis labeling algorithms 50.45%
  50 FlexBayes 47.82%
  50 bvpSolve 37.47%
  50 20.14%
  50 Boosting functional regression models 42.81%
  50 Rgnuplot 52.33%
  51 Symphony in R 22.30%
  51 CVD 38.16%
  51 FuzzyNumbers 57.71%
  51 c060 44.87%
  51 NameNeedle 22.96%
  51 AMOREJ / AMORE++ 61.36%
  51 climstats 58.24%
  52 BVSflex 45.38%
  52 ccgarch2 for the CC-GARCH models 39.97%
  52 modis 48.80%
  52 Digital Soil Informatic Tools 32.55%
  52 flexsurv: Flexible survival models 56.55%
  52 Spatial Change Point Test 27.16%
  52 Open Perimeter Interface (OPI) 58.00%
  52 spatial copula 46.43%
  52 mskf 39.00%
  52 TikZ Device 58.23%
  52 Parametric Frailty Models 46.64%
  52 Graphical Models with R 59.71%
  52 SpatialExtremes 39.03%
  52 Patchwork 53.59%
  52 Dynamic Treatment Regimes 37.24%
  53 Regression Models for Ordinal Data 51.60%
  53 rvgtest - Test non-uniform RVG 51.56%
  53 Nonparametrics for Clustered Binary Data 46.36%
  53 betareg: Beta Regression 33.13%
  53 signal 48.22%
  53 CShapes Dataset and Utilities 41.27%
  53 PricingMixedTS 34.40%
  53 lshorth 62.52%
  53 randomForest 24.13%
  53 Uncertainty Analysis for SDMs 44.60%
  53 sem - Structural Equation Models 40.26%
  53 vcd: Visualizing Categorical Data 30.47%
  53 Modelling Capture-Mark-Recapture Data 37.98%
  53 Hidden Markov Models with R 34.71%
  53 NEM: Nested Effects Models to reconstruc 59.56%
  53 InfeR 45.51%
  53 general multiple-table data management 48.66%
  54 klausuR: Multiple Choice Test Evaluation 52.96%
  54 ANN 56.82%
  54 NISTunits 12.91%
  54 Closed Skew Normal Distribution 36.36%
  54 norm: multivariate-normal missing data 25.04%
  54 MPTinR 50.86%
  54 R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface 29.82%
  54 Lattice based population pyramids 57.12%
  54 R package for spatial data classes 40.10%
  54 Back-Projected Kernel Density Estimation 48.17%
  54 LNA for stochastic kinetic models 33.15%
  54 hwriterPlus 47.79%
  54 Project MOSAIC 57.30%
  54 CENS 55.36%
  54 Bayes normal linear model and basic MCMC 27.25%
  54 Non-Additive Inverses 57.31%
  54 EBS 54.58%
  54 Hyper-g Priors for GAM selection 57.20%
  55 integIRTy 18.55%
  55 Soil Spectroscopy and Chemometrics 41.05%
  55 move: analyze animal movement data 45.22%
  55 ecotoxicology 23.63%
  55 Rlsf 47.74%
  55 BradleyTerry2 53.08%
  55 Mixed Tempered Stable Distribution 30.25%
  55 NetSim: A social network simulation tool 55.71%
  55 R translation in French 54.13%
  55 Quality Control for Graphics 22.36%
  55 RTmodels 46.34%
  55 DCchoice for contingent valuation method 40.21%
  55 rmodest 55.86%
  55 Provenance 41.73%
  55 tmcn 47.29%
  55 rexpokit 60.16%
  55 georob 57.21%
  55 r4ss 57.05%
  55 RSVGTipsDevice 35.79%
  55 VisCount 42.44%
  55 Graphical Multiple Comparison Procedure 57.72%
  55 Sweave previewer search support 30.12%
  55 casper 57.55%
  55 FLR 57.44%
  56 solidearthtide 22.70%
  56 CItools 36.33%
  56 idbg 56.10%
  56 profileDisplay 45.33%
  56 simecol - Ecological Models with R 25.52%
  56 RAHRS 41.29%
  56 Nondetects and Data Analysis 42.74%
  56 twKinresp 47.95%
  56 Nonbipartite Matching 44.87%
  56 Quantmod extension for Russian market 28.80%
  56 Reol 54.80%
  56 Linear quantile mixed models 53.05%
  56 Low Flow Analysis 40.83%
  56 synbreed 35.05%
  56 marelac: Tools for Aquatic Science 31.79%
  56 seqTools 49.45%
  56 sensR: sensory discrimination analysis 45.23%
  56 glmmADMB 40.56%
  56 YaleToolkit Repository 49.63%
  56 tabulaR 48.40%
  56 betapart: partitioning beta diversity 43.22%
  57 Demonstrations for teaching and learning 42.67%
  57 MixGHD 6.721%
  57 RVowpalWabbit 49.30%
  57 cusp 36.74%
  57 quantmod: financial modelling 50.97%
  57 S-PLUS to R 55.49%
  57 Useful functions not found elsewhere 58.07%
  57 mixed stock analysis 50.57%
  57 Neuroimage 55.34%
  57 MELON 57.35%
  57 immunoassay 57.38%
  57 a logging package 58.12%
  57 chords 46.23%
  57 gwidgets 49.03%
  57 The Benchmark Data Library Project 25.94%
  57 Enhanced SVG output from R 30.66%
  57 RHmm 44.28%
  57 VineCopula 45.69%
  57 RProtoBuf - R Interface to ProtoBuf 48.87%
  57 Activated Region Fitting 49.01%
  57 yaImpute: An R Package for k-NN Imputati 35.49%
  57 Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy 42.44%
  57 Top-kriging for R 52.10%
  57 Portfolio Optimization 45.59%
  58 cghseg 51.65%
  58 niftir 51.47%
  58 AFLP 50.87%
  58 timereg 47.69%
  58 GWASBinTests 56.46%
  58 Markov decision processes (MDPs) in R 39.83%
  58 chemosensors 46.50%
  58 waveslim: Wavelet methods for 1/2/3D 38.68%
  58 spatial-tools 39.78%
  58 addendum 54.59%
  58 Diagnostic tools for Bicluster methods 34.51%
  58 AQ-R bridge 32.45%
  59 heplots: Visualizing Multivariate Tests 41.15%
  59 AICTS II 25.50%
  59 ifrogs 28.90%
  59 Discretization-Based Random Sampling 48.38%
  59 X-METRIC Inventory Optimizations 21.34%
  59 ggene 8.028%
  59 Data from continuous NHANES (1999-2012) 28.68%
  59 sphet 28.59%
  59 Tools for air quality data analysis 49.42%
  59 sampSurf - Sampling surface simulation 33.88%
  59 Foreach parallel adaptor for Rmpi 42.12%
  59 ReacTran 30.78%
  59 GoF via cumulative residuals 53.60%
  59 bmhyd 41.15%
  59 DDIwR 36.32%
  59 thermocouple 40.94%
  60 EcoHydrology 36.14%
  60 GARPFRM-Enhance 37.43%
  60 Repeatability Estimation 48.33%
  60 tm.plugin.mail 34.26%
  60 likelihood-based image id code 50.64%
  60 Fast kNN with Search Trees 53.95%
  60 HistData: Historical data sets 35.31%
  60 R package nlstools 54.02%
  60 SECR models in R using ADMB 47.64%
  60 Contrasts 47.43%
  60 candisc: Canonical discriminant analysis 37.37%
  60 blme - Bayesian Mixed-Effects Models 45.92%
  60 track: store obects on disk 42.86%
  60 skycalc: using AA+ for Astronomical Calc 26.73%
  60 Multiprecision Complex Number Arithmetic 41.05%
  60 geosphere - spherical trigonometry 35.83%
  60 PASTECS 38.86%
  60 vcdExtra: vcd extensions and additions 37.37%
  60 Statistical analysis of DNA mixtures 23.06%
  60 R Site Search (R package + firefox ext) 28.44%
  60 doParallel 24.69%
  60 RWeather 54.14%
  60 xts - extensible time series 46.01%
  60 Latin Hypercube Samples 37.09%
  60 Local Classification Methods 54.06%
  60 nlmeU: Linear mixed effects models 53.39%
  60 Spatial Exploratory Data Analysis 51.52%
  61 RSpincalc 35.55%
  61 Time Series Utilities and Analysis 33.21%
  61 R/Hadoop 31.64%
  61 triangle 42.44%
  61 Co-correspondence Analysis Methods 52.67%
  61 Lahman Baseball Database 49.16%
  61 Dataset 49.43%
  61 arm 36.22%
  61 Quantitative Risk Management 28.43%
  61 mvabund: multivariate analysis 4 ecology 43.75%
  61 RMacoqui 17.06%
  62 munsellinterpolation 29.80%
  62 R-Hydro 45.57%
  62 biclust 24.32%
  62 RnavGraph 51.86%
  62 IsoGene 38.46%
  62 Limnological Modelling Laboratory in R 46.28%
  62 phylobase 51.62%
  62 DREAM: global adaptive MCMC 40.24%
  62 LAICPMS 37.70%
  62 sqliteTools 30.08%
  62 TopKLists 40.29%
  62 lpSolveAPI 37.52%
  62 DHclus 43.24%
  62 coalesceR 47.23%
  62 bbmle: maximum likelihood estimation 46.24%
  62 lme4 - Mixed-effects models 38.64%
  62 R functions for functional data analysis 39.12%
  62 IPMpack 45.04%
  62 Quant-lab 37.76%
  62 multcompView 32.45%
  62 CENTIPEDE 53.90%
  63 Conifers Young Stand Growth Model 32.71%
  63 rPlant 49.72%
  63 RPPanalyzer 35.21%
  63 glogis: Generalized Logistic Distr 32.74%
  63 digest - 'hash' arbitrary R objects 49.24%
  63 sonicLength 25.61%
  63 Modern Portfolio Optimization 24.67%
  63 Tests for mixed effect models(for lmer) 42.78%
  63 SIBER 17.26%
  63 Simulation of stochastic kinetic models 52.37%
  63 Sparsity by Quadratic Penalties 44.19%
  63 ICPSR MSDA 41.90%
  63 ExactSampling 32.44%
  63 calibFit 49.97%
  63 Newcastle R courses 46.31%
  64 Coalescent for compartmental models 26.24%
  64 bootFS 41.33%
  64 GWAtoolbox 47.54%
  64 Large objects for R 40.49%
  64 Lattice 36.56%
  64 Dwell Time Analysis for Web Data 38.34%
  64 Regression with Functional Data 43.20%
  64 Direct labels for plots 42.33%
  64 biomvRCNS 47.91%
  64 Ecological Inference eiwild-package 42.41%
  64 R2jags 31.62%
  64 sirad: Solar radiation models 40.70%
  64 logitnorm 42.68%
  64 delmap 46.06%
  64 EasyABC 35.92%
  64 indexing: database tools for R objects 33.28%
  64 Debugging Tools for grid 35.74%
  64 Multiple Cue Probability Learning 40.16%
  64 spse 38.37%
  64 Small Area Estimation R package 15.42%
  64 Applied Predictive Modeling 50.98%
  64 Probabilistic Suffix Trees 32.74%
  65 FWI System and FBP System calculations 40.36%
  65 doRNG 50.93%
  65 Circular Statistics 37.22%
  65 RTanalyze 42.05%
  65 TEA for survey processing 45.81%
  65 Continuous Character Transitions 41.26%
  65 randomForest Feature Contribution 24.97%
  65 abernethy reliability methods 35.35%
  65 Rcwb 48.02%
  65 MethComp 39.83%
  65 Crop Climate Change Course 41.33%
  65 the CTDS Movement Modeling 38.64%
  65 dismo --- Species Distribtion modeling 30.01%
  65 semPLS 52.18%
  65 btutils 33.14%
  65 Event Studies 40.95%
  65 FME: Flexible Modelling Environment 26.16%
  65 RQuantLib - R interface to QuantLib 50.74%
  65 rm.plot 49.96%
  65 Sparse Multivariate Diffusions 44.21%
  65 University of Washington CF&RM 33.81%
  65 AURELHY 37.90%
  65 VirtualCom 45.27%
  66 rworldmap : for mapping global data 43.03%
  66 QuasiAlign: Efficient Sequence Analysis 40.07%
  66 wtJonckheere 24.29%
  66 qsaR in R 40.90%
  66 autoAnn 29.50%
  66 ipoptr - an R interface to Ipopt 48.95%
  66 Benchmark Experiment Framework 49.63%
  66 Forensic Interpretation 17.12%
  66 Modelling Financial Time Series with R 36.04%
  66 geo 43.92%
  66 DepthProc 36.46%
  66 semtools: Methods for SEMs 20.51%
  66 candlesticks 23.31%
  67 matrixStats [MOVED TO GITHUB] 44.91%
  67 RSDMX 42.17%
  67 hawkes 36.64%
  67 corHMM 45.31%
  67 QFin 14.39%
  67 Processing SNP arrays 45.43%
  67 pathview 43.95%
  67 Word lists for psychology experiments 45.11%
  67 Marcin Kierczak's Misc Functions 51.74%
  67 trip -- animal tracking data 49.42%
  67 Quantitative Fitness Analysis 31.01%
  67 limSolve 27.81%
  68 CN Profiling with Sequencing and CBS 32.80%
  68 R2STATS: A GUI for GLM(M) 38.59%
  68 Rule-Based Models 43.94%
  68 simdat: data simulation 44.04%
  68 Local Depth 48.10%
  68 spinyReg: a sparse generative model 26.03%
  68 PKPD 32.72%
  68 Computational Statistics: Intro to R 39.50%
  68 lossDev 44.44%
  68 Space-Time Point Patterns 48.39%
  68 spatial kernel package 28.21%
  68 blupsurv 42.56%
  69 mzmatch.R 34.69%
  69 Performance Attribution 45.38%
  69 A Mechanistic Model for Protein Evolutio 44.93%
  69 CandidateBacon 28.91%
  69 Nonlinear regression analysis 48.20%
  69 Non-linear models in agriculture 29.02%
  69 s4vd 37.47%
  69 timeWarp: Date calculations 31.92%
  69 SPRINT: Simple Parallel R INTerface 41.51%
  69 RecordLinkage: Detecting duplicate data 31.30%
  69 RHugin 34.74%
  70 vcf2geno: reading VCF made easy 44.91%
  70 dcr - Data Cloning in R 41.12%
  70 scriptests 38.55%
  70 scimapClient 16.15%
  70 twSnowfall 41.31%
  70 CulturalAnalytics 42.95%
  70 Tree methods for imbalanced data 39.78%
  70 gdistance 33.19%
  71 spatio-temporal data in R 43.40%
  71 MicroDataEs 31.17%
  71 netmes 38.18%
  71 DierckxSpline 37.73%
  71 rosenblatt1 40.68%
  71 migui 27.06%
  71 GLMM with Lasso 24.67%
  71 cardidates - Peaks in Environm. Series 25.33%
  71 Floating Grid Method 25.10%
  71 R2admb: an AD Model Builder interface 45.49%
  71 Mplus Automation in R 44.71%
  72 rEMM/TRACDS 35.57%
  72 MORGAN Rtools 26.06%
  72 bootBCa 28.00%
  72 TravelR (Travel Demand Modeling in R) 45.77%
  72 RQDA: CAQDA with R 33.73%
  72 masterMix 37.46%
  72 highlight (Syntax highlighter for R) 41.36%
  72 SQL-based analysis for large surveys 42.12%
  72 doSNOW 25.77%
  72 Hydrological related packages 41.39%
  72 mefa - Multivariate data handling 41.98%
  72 bigmemory 34.87%
  72 automateR 30.76%
  72 adephylo 34.63%
  72 fortunes: R Fortunes 14.92%
  72 k-step: k-means model selection with AIC 19.15%
  72 Pedigree-based mixed models 30.81%
  72 CLAG 45.92%
  72 gpusim 41.66%
  72 phrapl 34.02%
  72 ruleR - rule based item generation 37.60%
  72 Home Range Tools 33.44%
  72 Point Process Statistics 41.97%
  72 KDE & MDS 27.74%
  72 Optimization routines for phylogenetics 44.00%
  73 Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence 31.83%
  73 Season package 28.97%
  73 Spatial ecological data analysis with R 29.30%
  73 mixOmics 43.48%
  73 synchrony 38.12%
  73 OUwie 38.00%
  73 twsInstrument 35.09%
  73 IBData: Realtime market data from IB 46.87%
  73 Rigorous Analytics 38.52%
  73 Generic Asynchronous Job Queue 15.29%
  73 TreEvo 40.07%
  73 Fast Generalized Ridge Regression 35.62%
  73 background 40.84%
  74 inline: prototype C++/Fortran etc in R 42.96%
  74 Process accelerometer data in NHANES 34.70%
  74 mi-missing data imputation 36.98%
  74 doMC 24.02%
  74 QuACN 38.99%
  74 Benchmarking genomic data integration 42.51%
  74 cRacker 43.78%
  74 geoextras 42.43%
  74 Data files for Appl. Linear Regression 4 19.10%
  74 SparseGrid 35.58%
  74 Remote sensing 27.78%
  74 abind: Create multi-dimensional arrays 27.31%
  75 Dependency modeling toolbox 37.49%
  75 OpenStreetMap and R 40.05%
  75 Bayesian methods for IV regression 29.37%
  75 Tools for Whole-Genome Prediction 33.90%
  75 OEM 38.22%
  75 psytabs: Tables for Psychology 39.71%
  75 bclust 22.84%
  75 conicfit 16.05%
  75 RXKCD 33.85%
  76 Super Biclustering 30.46%
  76 PC-Axis with R 29.63%
  76 Technical Trading Rules 39.20%
  76 Clustering Algorithms for GPU 24.91%
  76 RLadyBug 28.28%
  76 waveTiling 40.96%
  76 PairTrading 45.65%
  76 Archetypal Analysis 40.25%
  76 parallelstructure 29.97%
  76 plumbCNV: [see github: nicholasjcooper] 19.09%
  76 Iterator Tools 31.91%
  77 BaSTA 33.48%
  77 rngtools 13.31%
  77 mmSAR 27.47%
  77 Finding word alignment using IBM model 1 14.20%
  77 MSToolkit 41.58%
  77 Plant modelling with Yplant - QuasiMC 39.32%
  77 COGARCH 22.76%
  77 fitob 39.11%
  77 nloptr - an R interface to NLopt 36.46%
  77 Mixed-pair mutual information estimators 37.18%
  77 Message Queue implementation for R 41.32%
  78 gsDesign: Group Sequential Design 27.66%
  78 Evolutionary models in R 34.89%
  78 soRvi - avoimen datan tyƶkalupakki 33.25%
  78 Integer and Nonlinear Optimization in R 30.20%
  78 CITAN 39.80%
  78 IPSUR 33.70%
  78 polyploid 30.16%
  78 refnet - Bibliometric Tools for R 34.44%
  78 Augmented Prediction and Variable Select 25.69%
  78 therese 29.06%
  79 Likelihood-based Imprecise Regression 33.62%
  79 Tools for the analysis of genomic data 35.91%
  79 ORCME 28.00%
  79 The adegenet package 26.35%
  79 DeducerPlugInScaling 30.08%
  79 UMB statistics 34.50%
  79 Drawing Node-and-Edge Graphs Using Grid 21.46%
  79 miRtest 24.35%
  79 Breaks For Additive Season and Trend 27.61%
  79 Bias reduction in GLMs 22.11%
  79 xkcd 40.72%
  80 Rniftilib 30.82%
  80 AcceptABEL 35.81%
  80 Truncated Distributions 26.60%
  80 OrgMassSpecR: Organic Mass Spectrometry 31.74%
  80 pcurve: principal curves 32.24%
  80 Cross-validation-based GWAS 30.26%
  80 nordklimdata1 25.98%
  81 factor modelling and risk analysis 36.18%
  81 Structure-Time Diagram 27.60%
  81 Panel Data with unobs. indiv. timetrends 36.29%
  81 delftfews 35.57%
  81 Dimension Reduction Regression 22.84%
  81 Model-Free Psychometric Functions 31.48%
  81 Clustericat 18.08%
  81 SMCS4 28.22%
  81 GSEA rotation 35.50%
  81 Simple Prediction Intervals 39.41%
  81 QTL mapping in outbred line crosses 28.19%
  82 Realized Toolkit 30.83%
  82 XMLSchemaHelper 32.65%
  82 coefplot2 34.67%
  82 cnF2freq 38.58%
  82 partDSA 28.12%
  82 yags: modular GEE solver 18.84%
  82 gridgame 14.32%
  83 The forensim package 34.65%
  83 unknownR 39.76%
  83 RobKalman 34.12%
  83 speedR 38.67%
  83 Sweave for the Open Document Format 32.67%
  83 R-Gadget 27.97%
  83 metatest 19.69%
  83 r2dRue 39.45%
  83 Phase plane plots 38.42%
  83 NWFSC assessment code 28.89%
  83 Bertin matrices 33.83%
  83 apicultuR 39.25%
  83 R: CDT in Cloud Computing for Big Data 2 19.43%
  83 hafroAssmt 30.92%
  83 Early Warning Signals Toolbox 37.23%
  84 bioimagetools 28.70%
  84 Model-Based Network Analysis 18.73%
  84 Disease progression models 32.50%
  84 SVGMapping 33.59%
  84 solaR 32.60%
  84 Visualization methods for raster 36.18%
  84 dsinr 23.88%
  84 M Speekenbrink Various Models 4 Research 32.92%
  84 OMearaLab 29.83%
  84 Yield Curve 33.87%
  85 h5R An interface to hdf5 files from R 30.06%
  85 Classification rules 32.14%
  85 RInside - R inside C++ 33.70%
  85 Predictive Modelling Markup Language 35.66%
  85 Extreme Values in R (evir) 10.57%
  85 Guerry: maps, data and methods 23.67%
  85 Electronics Package 23.20%
  85 Boost C++ Template Library Project 31.41%
  85 econMisc: Misc. Econometrics Functions 26.39%
  85 Vectis 32.15%
  85 medrc 32.61%
  85 RGIFT 30.40%
  86 rrp 33.80%
  86 rPython 21.46%
  86 SPecies' LImits by Threshold Statistics 17.77%
  86 WaveSeqR 19.08%
  86 Modeling Psychophysical Data in R 28.03%
  86 ddepn 27.18%
  86 caper - Comparative Analysis package 22.34%
  87 NEA 29.77%
  87 fmrireg 30.59%
  87 neaGUI 32.16%
  87 fassoc 27.98%
  87 xPos-a 29.44%
  87 RcppProgress 35.59%
  87 shp2graph 28.74%
  87 Rshare: the shared environment package 30.52%
  88 Genome-wide analysis using MOSS 23.36%
  88 geovec 26.88%
  88 ASSET 32.29%
  88 rehh 30.00%
  89 r2html 27.28%
  89 Dave Armstrong's Misc Functions 30.33%
  89 lsmeans 19.98%
  89 punitroots: Panels With Unit Roots 12.42%
  90 DeducerRichOutput 30.36%
  90 apsrtable 29.65%
  90 Length-Biased Survival Analysis 25.39%
  90 labeltodendro 29.12%
  90 rqpd 16.15%
  90 R: CDT in Cloud Computing for Big Data 4 12.20%
  90 Animal 31.14%
  90 R-NESHAPS 23.67%
  90 Online Material for the Lattice Book 10.22%
  91 CHAID 14.48%
  91 UncertWeb R-Toolbox 26.04%
  91 Fast Regularized Canonical Correlation 24.41%
  91 biocep-distrib 8.061%
  91 Multilevel frailty models 28.90%
  91 Scaling Analysis Tool Kit 18.37%
  91 plantbreeding 27.37%
  91 MetabR 28.34%
  91 BayesSDEmacroevolution 25.25%
  92 bmisc 28.96%
  92 Safe Binary Regression 16.66%
  92 Rcsdp (MOVED TO GITHUB) 15.70%
  92 demoniche - spatial population dynamics 22.38%
  92 intervals 26.55%
  92 Subset Quantile Normalization 5.695%
  93 R: CDT in Cloud Computing for Big Data 9.607%
  93 Variance Genome-wide Association 26.56%
  93 Variable Selection in Mixtures 7.564%
  93 RColony 25.37%
  93 R: CDT in Cloud Computing for Big Data 3 8.745%
  93 apl 40.19%
  93 Rapophenia 20.92%
  94 R: CDT in Cloud Computing for Big Data 5 8.364%
  94 Bayesian Biclustering 14.66%
  94 Bayesian Estimation and Model Checking 29.58%
  94 RODBC Extension 21.15%
  94 Sports Analytics 28.87%
  95 senesceR 23.70%
  95 colbycol 14.16%
  95 Zero-coupon Yield Curve Estimation 25.79%
  96 safelib 15.41%
  96 Sea Level Trends 26.82%
  96 portfolio_efficient_asset_allocation 20.37%
  96 Generalized iLUCK-models 28.46%
  96 drawExpression 20.76%
  96 Individual-based metapopulation model 21.17%
  96 Toolbox for chemoinformatics 25.38%
  97 Variant Pattern Analyzer 27.74%
  97 Mutoss 26.06%
  97 Family based association genetics tools 20.83%
  98 multilevelPSA 19.26%
  98 Universal log-optimal portfolios 24.78%
  98 Earth Mover Distance 26.91%
  98 sMisc 22.49%
  99 Leverage Space Portfolio Modeler 25.16%
  99 Phylogenetic and pop. genetic functions 19.52%
  99 Genome-wide QTL Mapping via H-likelihood 26.92%
  99 High-dimensional Additive Modelling 26.03%
  100 Simplified Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis 21.23%
  100 BADGER 22.85%
  100 Illumina Methylation Analyzer 22.11%
  100 Sparse LDA 28.80%
  100 Differential Protein Expression Analysis 8.851%
  100 missMDA 18.92%
  101 Phylobase Extension 4.873%
  101 advanced statistics using R 12.15%
  101 APE incomplete distance extension 8.985%
  102 QSAR metrics 17.70%
  102 json-rpc server via message queue for R 27.50%
  102 Clustering (Discrete) Distributions 21.87%
  102 paleoPhylo 18.79%
  102 AVHRR probabilistic cloud and snow mask 17.25%
  102 kOO k-spatial co-occurrence analysis 17.46%
  102 disco - Distribution Comparison 20.59%
  103 rstpm2 21.46%
  103 Limit Order Book 23.48%
  103 The FEST package 18.03%
  103 globalboosttest 21.66%
  103 Statistics for Financial Engineering 14.52%
  103 RFITSIO 7.031%
  103 RRBS Simulation, Modeling and Analysis 6.354%
  104 Robust Small Area Estimation 6.576%
  104 Multiple comparison test visualization 18.36%
  105 visualization of a correlation matrix 17.37%
  105 to_be_deleted 17.01%
  105 Management Science @ WU 21.44%
  105 Bayeisna Graph MCMC 19.39%
  105 The MDSGUI 15.05%
  106 gsmart 14.91%
  106 LMFnlsq 24.34%
  106 factorplot 15.02%
  107 Intaclass Correlation Coefficient 10.51%
  108 NiLeDAM 14.25%
  108 First Passage Times 14.28%
  108 tableplot: semi-graphic tabular displays 16.68%
  109 Generalized Multilevel Permutation Model 23.57%
  110 prepRISA 18.57%
  111 Visual Inference Software Development 17.57%
  111 Partial Discharges clustering 17.48%
  112 RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR 9.796%
  113 Two-Stage Stochastic Programs 7.494%
  113 Deconvolution by Weighted Kernels 16.76%
  113 Finance Conductor 4.818%
  114 Tools to visualize and analyze the SOM 6.929%
  115 epidemics 16.11%
  116 Y-Randomization 6.730%
  116 helloJavaWorld 9.157%
  117 Nvidia thrust column-major matrices func 3.593%
  117 Brier Score Decomposition 5.596%
  117 Layered and chained mixture models 6.060%
  117 SeqGrapheR 10.47%
  118 Spectra Processing 17.25%
  120 Causal Effects Sensitivity Analysis 4.787%
  120 Interface for Outbred QTL Analyses 15.53%
  121 Evolution simulation and classification 6.376%
  123 RMeCab2 12.47%
  124 binomTools 20.94%
  124 Cureos 7.332%
  125 sensitivityPStrat 8.314%
  126 cdb 21.09%
  126 WMCapacity 5.382%
  144 Probability Simplexes 9.813%
  More -->
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