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Rank Project Name Percentile
  1 R/exams: Automatic Generation of Exams 100%
  2 RHRV 94.44%
  3 topmodels: Extended Model Infrastructure 88.88%
  4 Complex Surveys 83.33%
  5 countreg: Count Data Regression 77.77%
  6 R2MLwiN 72.22%
  7 Cytangle 66.66%
  8 sampleSelection: Limited Dependent Vari. 61.11%
  9 OOMPA 55.55%
  10 car: Companion to Applied Regression 50%
  11 surveillance 44.44%
  13 Thresher 33.33%
  14 rebmix package 27.77%
  15 stablelearner 22.22%
  16 Generalized method of moments 16.66%
  17 multiUS 11.11%
  18 NewmanOmics 5.555%
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